Abby had triplets yesterday March 19, 2019 at 4:50 pm. She let 6 (human) kids watch the birth. All three came out without trouble in the ideal "two feet and a nose" position about 5 minutes apart. They are all very close in size too, often times when Nubians have triplets one can be much smaller (runt). She had two doelings (2 girls) and a buckling (boy). One of the girls is a black roan color with tan legs (agouti) this is a new color for us! Kidding season is so much fun. We still need to name them, so feel free to comment on this blog and give us any name ideas. More pictures to come and we hope to see you out on the farm for goat yoga with these three beauties. Our other two momma goats, Marble and Bella, are due in May!